Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oh Lord, Won't You Buy Me a Mercedes-Benz...

... so I can be a selfish snob, like all of my friends.

This weekend, the FD did a "Fill-the-Bucket" fundraiser at the local four-way intersection. Now while a good many people don't donate, a good many do, and for that I am very grateful.

However, we have noticed a disturbing trend when it comes to the drivers of luxury vehicles. If someone drives a Cadillac, Lexus, Infiniti, BMW, Mercedes, Acura, etc, they WILL NOT donate. While the percentage of donaters in non-luxury cars is probably around 35%, the percentage of donaters driving luxury vehicles couldn't be greater than 5%.

Why is this? Obviously they have money as evidenced by the car they drive, so why do they donate at a far lower rate than those who drive non-luxury cars. I have two theories:

First, it's possible that the driver's of luxury vehicles are a little more technologically astute, solely using debit cards and foregoing the use of petty cash.

Or it could be that they're just selfish, self-absorbed @$$h0!&$ that would rather spend money on luxury cars than give to charity.

1 comment:

Simply Jen said...

or it could be that they want to spend all of their money on those luxury cars and no have enough...

But that would be too good of an excuse...