Saturday, August 26, 2006

Of Frogs...

I was thinking today, do you know what the only thing that is guaranteed to happen when a frog jumps?

He's going to land on his ass...

Great wisdom in that.

Then there's the old biker saying, "Keeping your mouth shut is the best way to keep from swallowing something nasty." They were talking about flies and other insects, but it applies to life in general.

Hmmm... frogs and flies. Anyone see a pattern?


Cat said...

See, its all started by those frogs! They are the root of all evil and I think the frog in my garage is the KING! (he is still in my garage I might add).

Liberated Momma said...

Kiss him Cat, maybe he will turn into Toby Keith....

Then I will move into your house...

There are sooo many damn frogs out here... I just don't have a garage.. dammit..