Sunday, February 28, 2010

Posting drunk, and I know it...

Too much wine (wow, did we really consume three bottles) will loosen the tongue and the keyboard.

So where to start.

I'm apparently in trouble with the one passed out on the bed behind me, snoring loudly BTW, because I told her that her @$$ was bigger than my computer screen.

Not that I expect her to remember it in the morning, but I know that her @$$ is bigger than this 17" screen. H#ll, the 9-year old step-daughter's @$$ is wider than 17 inches, much less anyone that has been through puberty or child-bearing, but try to tell that to a DRUNK wife.

Oh well, I've been in worse trouble.


Cas said...

Wow. You know, the drunk one snoring in the bed did not remember that incident; how brave - or stupid - were you to have recorded it for posterity?

I don't mind the size of my ass. He's approximately 5'7" and weighs about 175.

Master of My Own Small Universe said...

Ok, I was wrong. I was forced to hold the computer up to said wife's posterior... and, well... the screen was indeed bigger than her backside.

It was not however, bigger than me...

The screen, not her derriere.