Thursday, December 01, 2005

It's been a long time, it's been a long time....

... it's been a lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time.

OK, so I've been slacking lately, not posting for several days. But I do have a somewhat decent excuse, my computer at school has been unable to access this site. I know what you're thinking, I could be posting from home, but my home computer is dedicated to more important tasks. Like downloading porn... ;-)

Anyway, what's on my mind today. Not much really, just the same old, same old. Like wondering why someone's promises of future actions often mean more to people than a person's past actions. Especially when someone hasn't done anything of substance in the past and then people are surprised when the promises are left unfulfilled. I just don't get that...

Maybe I was raised different or I just have a different outlook on life. I mean, if someone hasn't done $#!^ in the past, what makes you think they'll do anything in future. I don't care what they say they're going to do; a leapord can't change it's spots.

But the real problem is that we belong to an ADD society. Everyone has it. We can't remember what happened in the past, what a person did or did not do. So we believe the lies and promises. Over and over and over....

The philosopher Georges Santayana once said, "Those who do not understand the past are doomed to repeat its failures." Hell, we can't remember the past, so why are we so surprised when we repeat its failures.

Another philosopher (whose name I can't seem to remember at the moment) once said, "A fool is someone who fails to learn from his mistakes." Seems I'm surrounded by fools and I'm the court jester.

1 comment:

veggiedude said...

Is that Led Zeppelin you are singing?

Well, when you are done with all this, how about killing some of what I fear? Thanks a million!