Tuesday, December 27, 2005

It's all about money

Let me set the scene for you:

A child is involved in a four-wheeler accident. First Responders and EMS are dispatched to the location, with the First Responders going on location several minutes before EMS. With the First Responders is a thirteen-year veteran Paramedic, who assesses the child's injuries and decides the child needs to be flown by helicopter.

The fire department sets up a landing zone less than 1 1/2 miles away from the accident scene and the helicopter is less than five minutes away. At this point, an EMS paramedic, who is not on the frackin' scene and hasn't even assessed the patient, decides to cancel the helicopter and transport the child by ambulance to the local hospital (which, BTW, isn't trauma certified), over eight miles away.

Does anybody besides me see the problem here?

Patient care my ass....

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