Saturday, January 14, 2006

On the subject of sheeple...

Here's one I've never managed to figure out, why someone would pay double or triple the price for a simple t-shirt or sweatshirt, with the only exception that it has some company's name written on it. I saw it several years ago with Abercrombie & Fitch and BUM. Mow I see it with Hollister.

Man, the marketing directors at these companies are frackin' geniuses. I can imgaine the discussion in the boardrooms of these companies: "Ya' see, we don't have to spend a penny on advertising, we'll get dumbass teenagers to PAY US for the honor of advertising our products!" "No way, teenagers aren't that stupid!" "Yes they are, just you wait and see."

And they are. Simple t-shirts are not enough, they go to a store that for some reason all their friends believe is the newest, hippest place and pay for some t-shirt with the name of the store on it. Brainless sheeple, following the herd...

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