Saturday, April 01, 2006

If life were a hard drive...

My sister-in-law hands me a laptop computer and says, "Fix this for me so I can give it to my mom." Seems the hard drive has a bunch of $h!t on it and is generally borked and she and the sibling have been trying to wipe it and re-install Windows with no success. I mumble something about installing Linux and being done with it, which she didn't find too amusing. Five minutes of looking at it and I've deleted the partition and I've got it re-formatting. Which is why she gave it to me in the first place, she knew I could fix it or it was a rather expensive boat anchor.

But it got me to thinking, would it be nice if life were like a hard drive, where you could just wipe everything clean and start over. Nothing that was messed up before would be left lingering around to mess things up again. Oh the joy if it were that simple!!! Unfortunately the bad things hang around, waiting to jump up and bite you in the ass. Kind of like that porn you thought you deleted...

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