Saturday, January 20, 2007

The only thing certain is change

Well, life as I know is about to completely change.

My fourteen- (soon to be fifteen-) year old son is moving in with me, for the first time. My emotions are running the gamut from excited to nervous to cautious to...

Care-free and independent will be replaced by who knows what.

But it will all be for the better, in the long run if nothing else. Things happen for a reason. Right? Right?


Simply Jen said...

As a matter of fact, yes. Things always happen for a reason. I think it is so good that he is coming to live with you. I seriously think that it will change the two of you for the better. It will be nice to have another kiddo around.

Liberated Momma said...

I am proud of you for FINALLY taking charge of this boys life. He is sadly misguided and has never had any stability, he will certainly get all the love and support here on the prarie.

Thanks for bringing him close, I miss him and 3 times a year is not near enough.

I know you were never a 'kid-person' but life with kids is wonderful, you will wonder how you lived life without one. I only wish you wouldn't have missed the early years. I am glad you got to move back here and at least grow with your nephew, for what it's worth.

Cas said...

It's always the thought of raising a child before it happens that's intimidating. The unknown.

Before you know it, you two will have a routine and you'll wonder how you ever lived without him so long.

Then he'll leave to be a man. A better one for having spent the most impressionable years with his dad. And you'll be a better man for it, too.

psycho_aide said...

everything happens for a reason leroy just look at what i have been through and that should say something i am glad nate is moving in wit you you to are great around each other. Plus we all know you are ageart dad to him and you love that boy like crazy