Thursday, November 17, 2005

Like pissing in the desert...

OK, most should know by now that this county is under a burn ban from an earlier post. Well guess what? We got about an inch of rain on Monday afternoon/evening as a cold front blew in, followed by stiff winds that basically dried up all the water. So you know what this means? Every dipwad in the area is calling the FD and asking if the burn ban has been lifted! Oh let me think.... we're eight inches behind on rainfall for the year and we got one inch of rain on one day.... hmmmmm.... NO!!! It's still so dry you could walk out in your yard with socks on. And on top of that, we've got 10-20 mph winds that would really wreak havoc with a fire.

Come on retards!!! Use that thing on your shoulders for something besides a hat rack...

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